
Water Quality Technology Conference

Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center Schaumberg, IL

Join water professionals from across the U.S. and around the world to discuss ongoing and emerging issues affecting water quality.

Lead Reduction Updates and Lead Service Line Identification and Replacement


Presentations will include an overview of EPA regulations and programs designed to reduce lead in drinking water and current efforts to provide technical assistance for lead service line identification; a review of new technologies, methods, and predictive modeling tools for identifying service line materials; and an overview of sampling methods for identifying lead service lines.

Local Partnerships: Developing Solutions for Rapid Needs


Over the past several years in EPA Region 6, splash pads connected to disinfected drinking water have been at risk of contamination. Presenters will discuss their investigation into this issue, identify best management practices, and provide risk mitigation tools for prevention and detection of various waterborne disease outbreaks.

Young Professionals Summit

Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Texas Dallas, TX

Join early-career water professionals and students to learn skills and make connections that can shape careers and put you on the path to water leadership.

AWWA/WEF The Utility Management Conference

Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Texas Dallas, TX

Each year, water utility executives and managers keep returning to the Utility Management Conference (UMC). This gathering offers forward-thinking leadership, creative strategic planning, efficient processes, and holistic approaches to ongoing improvement efforts.