
U.S. Hydropower Supply Chain: Gaps and Potential Remedies


Join Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm and experts from the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), other government agencies, and the hydropower industry to explore gaps facing the U.S. hydropower supply chain along with potential remedies.

Wildfire Impacts on Water Infrastructure


This presentation will discuss EPA’s emergency response efforts to the Maui wildfires and ongoing research to further understand contamination of water infrastructure. Research topics include uptake and release of contaminants in hot and cold pipes commonly used in premise plumbing and the effects of hot gasses and smoke on drinking water pipes.

EPA’s Water Security Test Bed: Critical Infrastructure Research


This presentation will discuss EPA’s first-of-its-scale Water Security Test Bed (WSTB), which replicates a section of a typical municipal drinking water piping system to better understand the behavior of water systems under real-world conditions.

Assessment of clogging in Managed Aquifer Recharge schemes


This webinar is for new proponents and operators of existing MAR schemes to assist them in recognising the potential for clogging and how to employ the appropriate mitigation or remediation measures.