
Local Infrastructure Hub: Promoting the Impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law


As part of the Local Infrastructure Hub, the United States Conference of Mayors is hosting a series of Zoom sessions with our partners Bloomberg Philanthropies and Results for America, which will feature Biden Administration officials and policy experts to share key funding guidance and policy and innovation expertise. These sessions focus on elevating best practices to help cities create competitive outcomes-driven applications.

Texas NRCS Quarterly Watershed Program Update

The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Texas Watershed Program has scheduled quarterly conference calls throughout 2023 to keep watershed sponsors and others interested in Texas’s watershed program up to date on current and upcoming program

Water Workforce Virtual Workshop


This two-day event brings together industry experts, utility leaders, and workforce development professionals to tackle the pressing workforce challenges of our time.

Lead Service Line Inventory Guidance


Developing a lead service line (LSL) inventory and identifying the location of LSLs is the first step for beginning LSL replacement and protecting public health.

Creating and Maintaining Drinking Water Data


Join EPIC, the Center for Geospatial Solutions (CGS), and the Internet of Water (IoW) on March 19th at 1:00PM EST for a webinar highlighting easy ways to maintain and update key drinking water data.

Interconnected Injustices: Understanding Cumulative Impacts


Join Resources for the Future (RFF) on Wednesday, April 10 for “Environmental Justice: Understanding Cumulative Impacts,” the second webinar in our 2024 Exposure event series. At this event, we will dive deep into these cumulative impacts and the importance of understanding them when shaping environmental policy.