
Lead Reduction Updates and Lead Service Line Identification and Replacement


Presentations will include an overview of EPA regulations and programs designed to reduce lead in drinking water and current efforts to provide technical assistance for lead service line identification; a review of new technologies, methods, and predictive modeling tools for identifying service line materials; and an overview of sampling methods for identifying lead service lines.

Local Partnerships: Developing Solutions for Rapid Needs


Over the past several years in EPA Region 6, splash pads connected to disinfected drinking water have been at risk of contamination. Presenters will discuss their investigation into this issue, identify best management practices, and provide risk mitigation tools for prevention and detection of various waterborne disease outbreaks.

Recent and Future Trends in Water Resources from the RPA Assessment


This webinar will review results from the Water Resources Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing recent trends and future projections of freshwater use and supply, as well as likelihood of water shortages to 2070 based on RPA scenarios and how those shortages impact communities throughout the United States.

Messaging for Energy and Environmental Executive Orders


Join the Environmental Polling Consortium for a presentation of the results from new message testing showing the most effective ways to respond to Trump's executive orders on energy and the environment.