EPA’s Dynamically Downscaled Ensemble (EDDE) is a collection of complex 3D physics-based models reflecting the potential changes over time to weather, extreme events, and regional climate across much of North America out to the year 2100. EDDE includes data that are driven by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios and global-scale models. The regional datasets within EDDE are created using state-of-the-science numerical models that consider the physical interactions of the atmosphere, soil, and water. The output in EDDE is archived at the regional model’s spatial scale and at hourly increments over historical and future periods that span multiple decades. These data were prepared by EPA to support assessment, adaptation, and resilience activities to protect human health and the environment. This webinar will discuss EDDE Version 1 data availability, as well as the design and release timeline of EDDE Version 2.

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